Unrivalled resources for schools
Schools and pupils using ConquerMaths report excellent progress. Please check our Data Analysis recording achievement during and after lockdown and across all Key Stages, and just how much pupils narrowed the attainment gap.
You can easily customise the ConquerMaths curriculum to match your own Scheme of Work. The professional Diagnostic, Assessment and Task-setting tools will support Teaching and Learning and help in monitoring progress. Pupils can access 1,200+ video tutorials and assessments of unrivalled quality to fill gaps in their knowledge.
ConquerMaths can be rapidly adopted for use by schools with quick-start guides for teachers, pupils and parents. Our team is here to guide you through onboarding and immediate rollout at your school.
ConquerMaths will give your school a real edge in developing pupil learning and confidence.
Sign up today for access HERE
Discover more about the benefits of ConquerMaths here.
Annual subscriptions from just £5 per pupil.

ConquerMaths includes a powerful Curriculum Designer so that you can customise and arrange the resources to match your own teaching. Individuals or groups of students within a class can also have tailored schemes of work to provide reinforcement or more challenge.

Multiple reporting formats enable the progress of an individual or class to be easily monitored so that appropriate interventions can then be tailored to needs. Data is downloadable into Excel for manipulation and bespoke reporting. This can save hours of time for teachers.

Teacher workload can be substantially reduced by using ConquerMaths to set and automatically mark homework and generate full solutions. If desired, every pupil can receive a bespoke set of questions and activities, avoiding any risk of copying.

Studies show that when parents are involved in their children’s education, those children learn and perform better. ConquerMaths provides parents with detailed access to their children’s progress. They can elect to receive an automated weekly email report with full records of time spent, activity and performance. Many parents even start improving their own Maths alongside their children!

Pupils using ConquerMaths can control the timing of their learning at a pace that is comfortable for them. They can accelerate through the curriculum when they’re confident, or they can work steadily through difficult topics to build confidence. ConquerMaths uses the mastery method to ensure excellent knowledge and retention of each topic.

ConquerMaths includes a powerful Curriculum Designer so that you can customise and arrange resources to match your own Programmes of Study. Individuals or groups of students within a class can also have tailored schemes of work to provide reinforcement or more challenge.

ConquerMaths covers the UK curriculum from Reception (age 4) right up to A-Level (age 18) with step by step 5-minute video lessons. Each lesson is presented with perfect clarity, using high quality images and animations, with narration and careful explanations by an outstanding teacher.

Each lesson is tested appropriately with randomly generated on-screen questions and activities ensuring that concepts are absorbed and retained. Exam style worksheets, and fully worked solutions with key steps, make sure each child is fully prepared for exams.
ConquerMaths uses the mastery method which encourages children to complete each lesson to a specified level before progressing. The pass level can be adjusted for different learners, classes or globally.
Over 3,000 reviews and counting.
94% approval rating.
“There is no way that I could teach/mark a class efficiently in all the areas and to all the levels that they presently achieve – nor could the children produce the amount of work as successfully as they do through Conquer Maths – their files are bulging!” L Wood
“Pupils who have experienced difficulties have used the program and can revise a previous year group. This has encouraged them to practise using the different exercises on a regular basis. Other pupils have used the program at home and taken challenges of a year ahead of them. There has been improvement from both groups.” T Lemon
“We have early bird Conquer Maths club each day for our borderline children. It has really helped with pre-teaching, support and has raised their understanding and assessment levels.” A Pilling
“Children can access ConquerMaths as part of homework and intervention tasks. It has helped to improved specific skills and the introductory videos help to support the understanding of the skills involved.” L Wilson
Bett* Awards judge: “outstanding in its presentation of conceptual content …”
Dyane “…The short clear video tutorials are really helpful, plus being able to do lessons from different years.”
Sharon: “We love going through the videos. Very well explained.”
Yasmin: “I can already see the progress and it has only been 4 weeks!”
Terry: “Conquer maths has given my daughter the tools to achieve a level in mathematics her school has described as outstanding…”
Paul: “… My daughter has been struggling to fully understand adding fractions with different denominators but after her first night trying ConquerMaths she is so confident and has got a complete understanding of the working out process…”
*Bett: – British Educational Training and Technology – the world’s leading EdTech event and awards.
Register for your school trial
- Registration gives open access to ALL the content and services.
- You can onboard any teacher or groups of pupils.
Site licenses start from just £5 per pupil per year,
Contacts us: info@conquermaths.com, 0191 228 6027
Quick Start Guides for:
Please contact us at info@conquermaths.com if you require assistance.